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Thank you for considering HSBC as a potential partner. Please read the following information before submitting your partnership proposal via the online form.
The context for partnership 
Partnerships play an important role in enabling HSBC to connect with its customers, staff and communities around the world. We carefully select these partnerships to match our vision and values, and are also committed to creating a positive legacy by investing in community and grassroots initiatives.
What HSBC is looking for
  • Partnerships which reflect our brand values and purpose
  • Partnerships that provide engagement opportunities with customers, staff and communities 
  • Partnerships that support our aim to build long-term, mutually beneficial relationships 
Group policy restrictions 
As a matter of policy HSBC does not support:
  • Individuals or scholarship schemes;
  • Political, partisan, religious, sectarian associations;
  • Multi-partner properties with other financial service companies involved;
  • Projects for commercial gain or to fill a shortfall in statutory spending;
  • Properties that could potentially create a reputational risk;
  • Capital spend or refurbishment projects;
  • Properties which contradict our environmental and ethical policies.
Your next steps?
Please complete this short Partnership Request Form.
Please complete one Partnership Request Form for each type of package (i.e. Title Partner, Secondary Partner, Official Supplier, etc.) that you would like HSBC to consider.
Please answer all questions and ensure you include a rights fee or asking budget. All information will be treated confidentially. Before submitting online, you may print a blank version of the Partnership Request Form by clicking on 'Printable Form' in the top right of the page.
Please direct any proposals or applications regarding charities, non-profit organisations or donations to
Thank you in advance for your time and we will come back to you in due course.
Data privacy
When you submit a partnership proposal, we will collect and process certain information about you. To find out more about the information that we collect, how we use it, and your rights in this respect please read our privacy notice.  
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